Tuesday 5 April 2016

No updates for a while. There is a reason for that. I am going to be happy and positive.

Slab poured picture. Picture taken 8/3/2016

Slab was poured onto screw piers. Excess fill removed. PS Don't try to remove that much fill with a trailer and shovel.

Wife and I posing. Bi-folds out the back should open up completely to the backyard. 

 Frames are up. We have a 3 metre ceiling height throughout the house. Again, it seems as if non one has ever done this before, only split levels. While costly, it wasn't outrageous and add heaps to the feeling of space. Even the small bedrooms feel much bigger. I am with shoes on almost exactly 200 cm tall, so as you can see the house is very tall and spacious throughout. With 2.4m doors it makes everyone look tiny.

I am worried about site access to the rear. With only <1.3m only narrow machines will be able to get round. However small dingos and excavators should still be able to get access.

However the build is motoring along now. The frames went up in days, Brick and Roofing are next then you start to focus on the inside.